Say yes

By fuckingdonuts - 18/05/2015 02:54 - United States - Edmond

Today, my boyfriend stopped in the middle of sex to ask if I wanted to get donuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 057
You deserved it 5 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It probably depends on the person, but I would have been totally up for that. Food is life.

xluciferx666 21

I would have said **** yeah to doughnuts how can you deny the deliciousness of doughnuts


At least he's considerate, I mean donuts are fantastic. Maybe he thought you weren't enjoying yourself.

You said yes, right? If you're not getting sex, might as well get some doughnuts.

Make him remember you're sweeter than glazed sugar will ever be.

Steve95401 49

This is what happens when you have sex with a cop.

I would of said heck ya!! But AFTER we BOTH finish!

"Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?" -Homer Simpson

look at the positive side .. you made him that hungry!