Sex ed

By Anonymous - 14/01/2022 05:01

Today, despite warning her multiple times, my daughter has gone and got herself pregnant by an idiot who has never held a job for more than 3 months, and once confidently told me the moon landing was a conspiracy. And yes, he scarpered the second he found out she was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 364
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could be worse, they could get married and you’d be calling him “son” every morning because his unemployed ass moved the little family into your basement.

The moon landing was a conspiracy. Hundreds of thousands of people collaborated to build a rocket that would take people to the moon and back. And it worked.


Could be worse, they could get married and you’d be calling him “son” every morning because his unemployed ass moved the little family into your basement.

The moon landing was a conspiracy. Hundreds of thousands of people collaborated to build a rocket that would take people to the moon and back. And it worked.

lanexox1d 22

repeat after me : ✨abortion✨

rotflqtms_ 21

That's up to the daughter, not the mother. She has a choice in this. Just because the dad was worthless doesn't mean the kid will be too. The daughter will have to learn to take responsibility for her actions. It wasn't the baby's fault the dad was a tool. If the daughter decides to have an abortion, that's her choice and her right, but I don't feel she should be pressured into it. It should be her choice after being given all of the possible options so she can make an educated decision. Abortion, Adoption, Keeping it and raising it herself. She will forever hate the person who pressures her into a choice and resent them for robbing her of the chance to make this choice. No matter what she decides, it will stay with her forever.