Shitty situation

By Anonymous - 08/01/2022 05:01

Today, I went to change my one year-old son's diaper and it was a total disaster! He'd picked at his diaper and it came loose. There was poop all over his sleeper, and when I went to clean it up, he put his hands in it. Let's just say I threw the damn sleeper away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 869
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatshername?! 39

Bile soap is very effective against this kind of stains, I cleaned a lot of cloth diapers with it. Don't worry, it happens to most parents at some point. Mostly in the middle of the night or while you're at friends or somewhere else not at home ;)

The Yakov Smirnoff style has come back! In Soviet Union, poop throws you away! Glad to see this old construct again -- not!


You should probably throw the kid away, too. Hopefully, you'll diaper the next child better.

HereWeGo24 6

Maybe the father of the child you are talking about should throw you away

The Yakov Smirnoff style has come back! In Soviet Union, poop throws you away! Glad to see this old construct again -- not!

whatshername?! 39

Bile soap is very effective against this kind of stains, I cleaned a lot of cloth diapers with it. Don't worry, it happens to most parents at some point. Mostly in the middle of the night or while you're at friends or somewhere else not at home ;)

oh sweetie, I feel your pain. I have an almost two year old that I affectionately call 'Poo Picasso'... I put her Zip-up all-in-one backwards on her so she can't take it off. We both know why. My almost 10 year old was the same as a toddler and apparently my twin sister and I did it to our own mother as babies... I shudder to think how it would be like with two poopy toddlers instead of one lol

throwawayaccount1 4

throw the damn kid away (joking)