Shoutout to all retail workers

By Anonymous - 15/03/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, it's my last week working at a gas station. A fat middle-aged man threw a hissy over the price of 2-liter Coke and demanded I change it. I asked him to leave; he wouldn't, and forced me to call the cops. He stormed out as I was on the phone, pointed at me, and called me a "weak piece of shit". Three more days… FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think how sad and pathetic his life is that he thinks it's ok to act like that about something so minor that you don't control.


Just think how sad and pathetic his life is that he thinks it's ok to act like that about something so minor that you don't control.

Vesi 29

Just for the record, the size of the customer makes absolutely no difference in this stance. Next time, leave the fat-shaming with the backspace.

I fail to see the point of mentioning he was fat and/or middle-aged. Would his behavior have been okay if he'd looked different?