Shut up!

By Unfun funeral - 31/10/2023 22:00 - United States

Today, I went to my uncle's funeral. His eulogy was ruined by an annoying little kid repeatedly talking over the pastor, who didn't pause for anything, no matter how many times his parents told him to stop. The complimentary lunch was horrible, and the hearse driving him to the cemetery got into an accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 415
You deserved it 60

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The parents should have taken the kid outside at that point. If telling him to shush wasn't working, and he was being that loud and disruptive, he shouldn't have been in there disturbing other attendees. Ugh, I despise parents that don't actually parent...


The parents should have taken the kid outside at that point. If telling him to shush wasn't working, and he was being that loud and disruptive, he shouldn't have been in there disturbing other attendees. Ugh, I despise parents that don't actually parent...