Sick move, bro

By jlw1998 - 25/04/2016 04:36 - United States - Dallas

Today, I bought my girlfriend a cat. I now have a cat and no girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 492
You deserved it 4 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This FML is the kind that requires a follow up to be fully understood. Did your girlfriend break up with you because of the cat?? Did the cat kill her!? What happened??

Maybe it's best to just buy flowers next time.


TBH.. I don't see how this is a bad thing...

What's the difference? They're both *******.

Idiot_Penguini 7

Maybe make sure she likes cats before you get her one and make sure it is a nice cat

NEVER buy a pet as a present without asking if it is okay with everybody!

Anthony_Isaacs 9

Similar thing happened to me but with my dog. I got her a puppy and a year and a half later we broke up and I still have the dog. I'll tell you what though, I love that dog more than anything and so does my new girlfriend. Keep the cat since you already lost the bitch. (pun intended)