
By Anonymous - 07/06/2023 00:02

Today, my son has the bizarre ability to remember any movie or series he has ever watched, even from the sounds without seeing the screen. He just identified Jumanji by the sound of Van Pelt's rifle, despite not having watched the movie in years… yet he only passed two GCSEs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 669
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a spectrum person and without knowing any other info.. dude is on the spectrum.


What the **** is a GSCE? It is like a kidney stone?

Standard exams in the UK that happen about age 15 (basically the last exams before you can legally leave school). Multiple subjects, most people pass 10.

is he on the spectrum? he may just be neurospicy, not everyone's brains work "normally"

He’s on the spectrum. I know nothing else about him and can tell you he’s on the spectrum.

As a spectrum person and without knowing any other info.. dude is on the spectrum.

Sounds like he is on the Autism Spectrum.