So brave

By unemployedagain - 25/03/2023 21:00 - United States - Arlington

Today, I was offered the job of my dreams until the recruiters had gone through my Twitter account and had seen tweets of me calling another girl a “bitch” and a racial slur during an argument. They rescinded the offer and I’d already quit my last job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 185
You deserved it 2 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 16

I’m still so confused why people out themselves on here, are you expecting sympathy? You’re openly racist, did you expect to get anywhere in this society without fixing yourself first?

Maybe try the Trump 2024 campaign. You'd fit right in.


Maybe try the Trump 2024 campaign. You'd fit right in.

Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.

Nikki 16

I’m still so confused why people out themselves on here, are you expecting sympathy? You’re openly racist, did you expect to get anywhere in this society without fixing yourself first?

I dunno; sure looks like most of society is openly racist.

ODBeefalo 10

doubt it was the "Bitch" comment... that is pretty common on social media and not a big deal... but showing you have no issue throwing racial slurs around is a major non starter for most companies in this time period we call home...

I guess this is your big chance to learn something. YDI

I don't use Twitter, but maybe you should go back and erase any bad posts if you can, for the future. i personally never post what I really wanna say sometimes because I don't want it possibly used against me in the future.... just sayin...

"Bitch" I could handle, as soon as racism comes into play, then you deserve it, you piece of shit.

These are hard... I'm 50/50 on them. On the one hand, don't put stupid and inappropriate things on social media sites that potential employers can access. On the other hand, why are they looking at your social media sites in the first place? Your personal life doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your professional one or your work performance. Honestly, it seems like a lose-lose to everyone to even have social media these days.

A hiring recruiter needs to weigh how a person is going to handle stress. One indicator is how they handle themselves when they think they are free of consequences, and a good window into that does indeed come from their social media. I often have to hire people for my place of business, and point blank, hiring someone who defaults to racial slurs can crush my entire store, harming not only my job, but the job of everyone else under me. All it takes is a review and a few complaints with audio or video, and I lose business, labor hours, and more employees, simply because I can no longer afford to keep them. So yeah, I check the socials. It's a smart precaution.

The moral of the story: Bigotry is bad for busness.