So similar

By StillLoveMyDogs - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went to reach for a long piece of lint next to my dryer. It was a snake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 315
You deserved it 2 375


cynthianicole95 9

I did understand that, thanks for clarifying.

AnOriginalName 19

Do lint snakes hunt dust bunnies?

I feel u bro, i opened my bathroom after moving into a new apt after a week. It was in the bathroom so I almost had to piss my own pants till animal control came thru. That shit ***** with me till this day every time I walk in the bathroom.

wow_FML03 12

Based on OP's name for the FML, the snake might've actually been left dead by one of her dogs. Hopefully that was the case, and no bites!

Maybe you should get that sorted out... Fyl op.

giantsfan2010 23

Hopefully it wasn't poisonous! I had a customer at work bring a snake with her and she let me touch it, snake skin feels awesome!

If it bites you and you get sick, it's venomous. If you bite it and get sick, it's poisonous. :)

If it bites you and it gets sick, you're Chuck Norris.

If it bites you and it gets sick, you're poisonous.

If it bites you and nothing happens, it's kinky.

If you bite it and it bites you, that's karma.

MisterKnowItAll 15
Redoxx_fml 22