Some friend

By Anonymous - 26/03/2021 02:02

Today, I got fired from my job after I wouldn’t lend my friend $1000. How? She retaliated by taking time out of her hands to compile screenshots of all my Facebook posts about talking shit about my boss and coworkers and e-mailing them to our corporate e-mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 756
You deserved it 1 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't really talk about work on social media, for this very reason. She couldn't have done it, if you just verbally talked shit about your boss.

Don't put things in writing that you don't want everyone to read.


and now you go get a lawyer and you sue her ass for it because I'm pretty sure that's blackmail or slander or something like that

How is it blackmail? The "friend" didn't say "Loan me the money or I'll show your boss these screenshots." They just did it as an act of revenge. Also, it isn't slander either. OP made the posts.

tounces7 27

Yeah it's not illegal. However obviously, you make a lot of new posts about how your low-life friend got you fired because you wouldn't give her money.

meglegpirate 13

she was never your friend, OP. definitely try and get her for slander/defamation of character. she was way out of line to do that. wish you the best of luck

Not slander or defamation. The OP made the FB posts. OP should have never put anything like that on social media. Their friend was vindictive, but OP was just plain stupid.

You shouldn't really talk about work on social media, for this very reason. She couldn't have done it, if you just verbally talked shit about your boss.

mando 10

Social media is not the place to bitch about your boss, but that friend needs fired! who needs enemies with friends like that? Guess it's time for you to have a fresh start with a new job and better friends.

Don't put things in writing that you don't want everyone to read.

Seems like you needed a change of job and been working for that on your own..

tounces7 27

She'll go far in the corporate world. Back-stabbing weasels tend to climb the corporate ladder pretty fast.

(1) It’s your own fault for posting negative comments about your boss and workplace online. Maybe if you had spent more energy doing your job and less time on social media while you were “at work” you would have had a better relationship with your boss to start with. And, anyone could have shared what you posted with your boss and the result would be the same - Your getting fired. (2) Your co-worker is not your friend. Don’t confuse the two. Keep work professional and confide verbally in your actual friends - not in texts, and certainly not online where anyone in your circle could share it. (3) Your co-worker tried to take advantage of you - Further proof they were never your friend.

Never talk shit about work on social media. 😴