Sounds fishy

By Anonymous - 13/02/2021 11:01

Today, I told my wife I wasn’t comfortable with her going out with an old guy friend. Petty, sure, but our sex life is non-existent. I found out that she's been seeing him behind my back for months, spent the night with him last week and claims there’s nothing going on. Trying to decide whether I should stay or go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 086
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

I’ve been through this and no amount of denial and trying to convince yourself she’s faithful is going to make this better. And trust me, it’s going to hurt. My ex did it with what I thought was my best friend. I seriously implore you to reach out to some good friends you can trust, as you are going to need support to go through this this. Therapist might be necessary too, not for both, but just for you. So you can cope, because you will go through the stages of grief on this. I’m not sure if I honestly hurt via many broken bones in my life (22 to count to this date including snapping my femur 2x like a toothpick), as much as my ex cheating did. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, but no matter how it may make you think it’s not over, I seriously implore you to get a separation on record asap, because if she gets pissed at you accusing her, or you leaving, she can run up credit cards and because you are considered liable until a court recognizes the separation, you could be liable for any expenses she racks up. And it will make things more complicated when the divorce comes, as you don’t want something she did stupidly to screw you in the end. If you don’t have kids, that makes it a bit less messy, but if you do, they will need therapy. Try not to do anything revenge-like, as it can and will backfire. I’ve not been a party to, but have been a witness to revenge, and saw the consequences of it. Jail time isn’t pretty, nor going to make things better. So just pack your bags and leave. And get a lawyer. A decent one. If you cheap out, you may regret it.

aaa143143 15

I think you know the answer to that question


A relationship where there is no sex is not a relationship, as far as I am concerned. She probably needed some so she went ahead and got some. I am not saying this is your fault. But women need sex too, you know. Did you actually do anything to fix the sex issue? The fact is, in the end, she is probably doing both of you a favour by giving your marriage the head shot that it needs. It has been over for a long time, just make it official

Decipherme 11

Oh my dear friend - go - set yourself free and go find your own happy place. Stay safe and keep your chin up.

Yummi_913 18

Sex or not, she hid another man from you for months. She could have invited him to dinner, or a bbq, or some shit, so you all could chill together and they could catch up. Instead she thought it was better to lie to your face even to the point of staying the night with this man (again, sex or not). I bet she drinks with him too, otherwise she probably would have made it home. Her actions are deceitful and disrespectful at best. At this point it doesn't even matter if she came clean on her own or was caught. The relationship is corroding and poisoned. Leave. Before it sucks you back in for round 2.

Gooooooooo! Even if "nothing" really happened, this will never leave you or stop you from imagining the worse all the time from now on. The fact of the matter is she HID SOMETHING from you, and not something small either. Don't wait, don't let your emotions try to tell you that its "Technically, physically POSSIBLE that nothing happened." You'll waste a lot of time doing that. Just Go.

You need to leave brother. That's just ****** up. I wish you all the best and good luck. Now you can start searching for someone who actually loves you

leave her she's just cheating and lying about it. if she loves you and wanted it to work she would have never thought to start this fuckary. I bet when she spent the night she got f**** and a peni* went in her mouth.... LOVE doesn't hurt you like that