Spanner in the works

By .......... - 07/06/2015 09:46 - Canada - Spruce Grove

Today, I found my boyfriend and his friends laughing hysterically and practically choking on popcorn. They were watching a video of me in a school play, trying to sing while sobbing because I'd just pissed my pants in front of 200 people. Thanks for giving him the video, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 724
You deserved it 2 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might want to explain to your mother that some things are best left untold

I don't know if I would be more mad at my mom for giving him the video; or at my boyfriend for inviting friends over to laugh together at your expense. It might be time to take that video and permanently delete it, then have some serious talks.


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Why would she even keep this video in the first place

It's really not that deep, we've all got embarrassing videos from when we were younger. You're just supposed to look back and laugh at how different you were back then. No 'serious' talk needs to be you wouldn't laugh if you hadn't seen the video in question.

She was urinating and crying in front of hundreds of people.. Who the hell wants to be reminded of that? It's not funny when you're older, it's humiliating, what's wrong with you??

How would you know I was going to laugh? I'm a very uptight person if I say so myself. Also, if this hadn't bothered her that much than she wouldn't have made an FML about it.

#11, I agree. Embarrassing videos should be laughed at. There's a video of yours truly curiously trying to put my finger in a dog's arsehole when I was 3 or 4 that I find hilarious. Embarrassing? Completely. Also hilarious? You bet.

#11 & 21 I wouldn't laugh at a video of a child crying in humiliation. I can't believe her mother showed that to anyone for laughs.

That's bullshit, it's a parent's job to embarrass their kids. I'd be willing to bet at least 80% of parents I know would've done the same.

My parents would definitely have done the same, thankfully they don't have any videos quite that embarrassing. I'm sure OP looked adorable despite her unfortunate situation. Plus hopefully now she can say her boyfriend has seen that yet still fancies her.

But when a 15-16 year old kid gets jump scared and pisses himself, it gets posted to YouTube and everyone laughs. No one says a thing about how humiliating it is. Of course, since in the video OP was a child everyone has to jump in and save the day.

Nothing is wrong with me, its a matter of a opinion. I don't think its something you need to get worked up about. Relax.

I'm not saying they're the ones laughing, I'm saying no one jumps to defend those people. Only the little kids.

I think that the boyfriend shouldn't have shown it to his friends, but if he has a good relationship with OP and her mom, I don't see any reason why it's so terrible.

Omg I agree! That actually made me sad for OP. How horrible.

NotGabe 28

Unless this is the type of humor you share with your mom, her actions are messed up.

I really doubt, according to this FML, that her humor radar is on par with her mother's

Might want to explain to your mother that some things are best left untold

I don't know if I would be more mad at my mom for giving him the video; or at my boyfriend for inviting friends over to laugh together at your expense. It might be time to take that video and permanently delete it, then have some serious talks.

How do you know whether or not his friends were already there and he didnt invite them just to laugh at her

the point was that he watched it with friends, not why or when he invited them over.

I was thinking exactly that. I sure wouldn't like it if my boyfriend humiliated me in front of his friends. I don't even understand why he thinks it's so funny to show them...

the fact that your mom just willingly showed it to your boyfriend and his friends would off if I was in your position HAHA but I hope you laughed it off since we make silly accidents in our adolescent years :)

I sincerely hope OP wasn't in her adolescence when that happened to her.

Attacksloth 33

Baby pictures? Sure. Toddler pictures? Sure. This? Eh, not so much. FYL.

FYL if the video is recent. If the video is old then maybe it's not so bad..

ColonelCusswords 24