Stars of CCTV

By Stfu lil brat smh - 26/03/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, while I was shopping, I spotted a lady who had the last of an item I wanted in her cart. She went off to the dressing room, so seeing my opportunity, I went and grabbed it from her cart, and put it in mine. I hadn't noticed her bratty-ass daughter next to the cart, who then yelled, “I saw that! Mommy! Some lady's stealing from your cart!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 53
You deserved it 1 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's not the brat, you are. Shop earlier next time, or buy it online. I hope you got trespassed.

And I hope they kicked your dumb, thieving ass outta the store with a lifetime ban. **** you.


And I hope they kicked your dumb, thieving ass outta the store with a lifetime ban. **** you.

She's not the brat, you are. Shop earlier next time, or buy it online. I hope you got trespassed.

lmao imagine being petty enough to be calling kids brats when stealing from another person's cart. How old are you?

Yes, and? Why are you posting that here?

orlow36 2

tell me you're a **** with out telling me you're a ****

Someone is being bratty here and it's not the little girl

So the kid is a brat because she caught you doing wrong? You sound like the spoiled brat here. Please, for the sake of the world, don't procreate.