
By Anonymous - 09/09/2020 05:01 - Italy

Today, I found out that my 7 friends, with a total of 23 past boyfriends in 11 years, have had 0 orgasms during sex. As someone whose sex ed was basically porn, it felt like finding out Santa wasn't real, but worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 544
You deserved it 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your sex Ed was ****, you're probably constantly disappointed how tiny penises are in real life.

bobsanction 18

So what you're saying is your 7 friends are all horrible at communication.


bobsanction 18

So what you're saying is your 7 friends are all horrible at communication.

I’ve never had an ******, and it’s definitely not because of lack of communication. It happens, and there’s several reasons other than not telling your partner what you like.

princessgr7 4

orgasms exist, gotta find what's right for each person. they aren't doing something right in their relationships

If your sex Ed was ****, you're probably constantly disappointed how tiny penises are in real life.

Susan Yee 9

I assure you, real men are trainable. If you know what pleases you, what gets YOU off, you can absolutely train another to bring you to ******. It means being with someone you are very comfortable with, and with whom you can communicate. If you can't ****** solo, your chances of getting there with a partner go way down. A huge percentage of women can't ****** from penetrative intercourse alone, so you have to know your body and communicate, demonstrate, and be patient,

Sometimes it’s cause guys are selfish. Sometimes it’s because no one tells them different.

Sometimes it's because the girl doesn't even want to have one.

xxlk4xx 6

I feel like this could be true! I obviously like having them, but I'm also OK not having them every single time!

jfigley 5

Time to do some internet research instead of ****. That and find the techniques that you can ****** yourself.

Everyone is different. some people have one every go

i have multiple every time. last night my bf got me off 6 times. i feel really bad for girls who somehow have never had any.

That is awesome, keep enjoying. I'm on a steady 1 per session clip. sometimes 2. i am kind of proud of that lol. i credit it taking me a while to get an o of my own

Point being: don't worry about what **** stars do or what your friends do. enjoy your connection to your partner

That's a shame. I personally love it when my wife orgasms, especially when it's multiple times. If she's not satisfied, I'm not satisfied.