
By lilou - 03/01/2009 01:22 - France

Today, at 7 a.m., I ended up outside in a nightdress, barefoot and in the rain. I've just found out that my two-year-old son now knows how to close the patio door, which of course, has no outside door handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 752
You deserved it 3 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I locked my mom out of the house once when I was two. Apparently, I was mad because she yelled at me.

Now you know why you should get one with an outside handle.


I locked my mom out of the house once when I was two. Apparently, I was mad because she yelled at me.

dk_fml 0

Same here, except it was about 5 degrees outside and I had to run to the neighbors in shorts and no shoes over the snow :-0

lalamike25 0

Now you know why you should get one with an outside handle.

ct_fml 0

yeah, i did the same thing but got locked out

That's a bummer, but he was probably just listening to what you've said a thousand times in the past. CLOSE THE DOOR

unless it's locked, you can still move it with your hands on the glass...

Ok, how the hell did your son manage to get you to go outside, in a nightdress, shoeless, and in the rain?? I dont get it

She could've been letting the dog out and the dog wouldn't come do she had to step out. Or maybe she left something valuble outside and didn't want it wet.

heroqucas 25

I agree with 24, my parents went out to smoke a lot during the night, my dad would go out in the morning before getting ready for work too