Such a weird move either way

By 1337fade - 07/04/2011 05:19 - Denmark

Today, my wife figured that a good foreplay move would be to rub MY underwear in MY face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 274
You deserved it 9 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SuckerPunchurMom 0

Yeah that always turns me on. Especially when I haven't showered in a while.

spikey818 9


What a shitty time to point put your horrible hygiene. Then again, I'd have pointed it out too. Especially if you're constantly asking for some backdoor action.. hell even front door! Dirty bitch!

kaykay9080 5

thats gross i say divroce her.

mismonroe 0

You're obviously not married.

lmaoatall 6

a couple that plays togethor, stays togethor. and we wonder why divorice rates are on the rise.

fuwop 0

if you will get divorced over something as stupid as that, then you are either 1.) not in love 2.) don't deserve to ever marry or reproduce with any living thing!

Wife stiill has to touch them to put them in the washing machine. And a lot of men leave their underwear in their pants which means she has to touch them a lot.

cptmorgan15 2

And you married this woman because.......?

mismonroe 0

Be grateful you get any foreplay.

LoginUnknown 0

He's a guy so probably doesn't care about that. Jumping straight to the pumping would be fine for most guys.

missjet 0

The emphasis on "MY" makes me think that OP has done this to his wife before with either his or her own underwear, in which case YDI.