Surprise !

By kelsey - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, someone stole my phone at a concert. They apparently thought it would be funny to text my mom saying I was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 621
You deserved it 5 065


th3wh1tee 0

Well at least they didn't waste your minutes...

KillerNomNoms 0
Sunako_fml 9

Next time don't put the word mom on your phone... Put her name there instead.

It's kinda funny.. sux for the phone being stolen part tho.

blahblahblah44 0

hahaha that's kinda funny. you can always tell her the truth.. i mean it's not that big of a deal though.

Wish I would have thought of that.

haha that's genious. I need to remember that one for when I find a phone. Seriously, you can explain the whole thing to your mom anyway, and there are enough ways to prove you aren't pregnant.

th3wh1tee 0

This would have sucked if ironically you were actually pregnant though.