Swindler's List

By whoneedsloveanyway - 21/06/2020 02:01

Today, I found out that my fiancé has a list with every woman he slept. Chronologically. I'm number 23, out of 27. Our wedding is in two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 399
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Caldwell 10

I hope you mean your wedding “was” in two months.

Make him #1 on the list of quickest you’ve kicked a guy to the curb.


24. Your best friend 25. Your sister 26. Your mom 27. Your maid of honor

Taylor Caldwell 10

I hope you mean your wedding “was” in two months.

Soon to be 23 out of 50, whether he's married to you or not.

Make him #1 on the list of quickest you’ve kicked a guy to the curb.

Maybe he knocked off a couple hoodrats in between the time you started bangin' him and agreed to be exclusive.

bloopaloop 27

And what about you miss perfect? What’s his number on YOUR list?

rotflqtms_ 21

it's not the actual number, the issue is that she isn't the LAST number on the chronological list... meaning he has slept with 4 other people after getting together with her.

....he cheated on her after they got together.....she’s not criticizing the amount....she’s criticizing that her fiancé has ****** 4 people since they started dating....

I’m going to assume that there was no point where you both broke up for a period of time in your relationship, and that this will change in the near future on your end 🤦‍♀️

I’m going to assume that there was no point where you both broke up for a period of time in your relationship, and that this will change in the near future on your end 🤦‍♀️

I think it is safe to assume that there was no prior break up for any period of time between you two, and that this will change in the near future on your end. 🤦‍♀️