Ten out of ten performance, no notes

By Jesska - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was applying Icy Hot. I squeezed the bottle too hard making it squirt in my eye. I ran to the bathroom in agony, turned on the faucet, and slammed my face right into it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 728
You deserved it 7 213

Same thing different taste


livelaughlove22 0
Sydknee 8

the only thing I can say is, FYL.

definitely not good but you should her been looking where you were going! tut tut tut x

KarinaLizeth18 5
tweetbaby14 18

YDI for pointing it at your eye.

MarkerofMagic 0

where were you applying it making it shoot into your eye o.o

Brittney_E 0

hah. sounds like something i'd do Xp

wintamint101 7

no need to get rid of that icy hot

48- it's a product that is used on sore body parts. first being it's really cold an then after 5 min it turns hot to dull the pain away.

i see hot! u see hot! u can't see because of icy/hot! FYL! :(

comment moded!! lol but for real of ur an idiot! who dose this??

ianbennett123 0
JillianlikesVogu 0
turtlemansam 6
Prodigy7 4

OP, did the slamming part help make your eye feel better?

alsnyder12 0

how does one run in agony? stated as is, the op's reaction to feeling agony is to randomly run. hmm

RochelleRedvines 8

See, that's why you aim AWAY from your face.

bravesfan112233 0

2: As did I, but with Capzasin(sp?). Not fun. >_<

My aunt put some on her knee, which rubbed off on her clothes when she went to the bathroom, which then went places that IcyHot should never go.

AudaciouslyInsan 0

Wow, jeez OP. You need to learn to calm yourself in serious situations like that. Yeah it's scary but it can make things worse if you freak out. FYL

atomicwedgie4u 0

& clearly did for op as proven with the red eye & concussion.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Which creates a domino effect of other shit happening

randomguy1millon_fml 0
colleen2920 0

retard. ydi for not having common sense

WTSchool 0

Well what'd you go slamming your face into the faucet for?!

tandem123 6

I really don't appreciate your use of "retard" as a derogatory term. Thank you.

put some icy heat on the bruise on your face from the faucet..

were u applying the IcyHot on ur face? Because I don't see how it woul get into your eye any other way