Thanks babe...

By okaykk - 05/09/2018 13:00

Today, after having hardly any sleep the whole weekend, I was woken up at 3:30 am by the sound of running water. I opened my eyes to find my fiancé peeing in my favorite water bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 522
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Depending on your personal preference you either need a new water bottle or fiancé

At least now you have a free pass to piss on something he likes. So yeah, live the dream.


Depending on your personal preference you either need a new water bottle or fiancé

At least now you have a free pass to piss on something he likes. So yeah, live the dream.

Fiance generally refers to a man. Fiancee refers to a woman. Sometimes the terms gets mixed up though.

How exactly is a woman supposed to pee in a water bottle? Peeing in a cup is hard enough.

You mean he peed in his favorite urine bottle. That’s the law of the jungle! I hope you get a chance to pee on his paycheck!

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

That must've been a real eye opener.

Boy, he really wants you to stay hydrated.