Thanks, I hate it!

By leah12 - 18/03/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail from my Grandma about how much she adores and loves me. Then it went into detail about how much prettier, smarter, and successful I am than my sister, Leah. I'm Leah. She'd put the letters into the wrong envelopes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 630
You deserved it 3 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chaith 16

Some people can't get out a complete thought without dragging someone through the mud. Yeah, it hurts. Especially coming from your Grandma.

Did you ask your sister what her letter said? Maybe it said the same thing lol That does suck... but be happy you have a grandma to send you letters at least, by the time I was 8 all my grandparents had died, my little brother never even got to meet any of them


you could go visit her, spend time with her. get food for her etc. then, slip the letter some where. make her feel like shit for a bit. she will apologize. kiss and make up.

foehawk 0

How about this... She probably said the same thing in the opposite letter just about you being better. Did you check for that?

lol, when i saw this i thought of leah daughter of laben

nooney 0

"lol, when i saw this i thought of leah daughter of laben" thats what i came here to say.

starshine3987 0

My sisters name is Leah. She's on this site ALL the time. I can kinda see grandma doing this sadly. If this is you know this: We're 6 years apart and you're still in high school. Of course I'm already more successful. You are better at a lot of things than me like being outgoing, making friends, athletics, being organized, getting stuff done on time, not to mention you just seem like a happier less emotional person than me. I mean seriously you're a sophomore and already have a sweet attractive smart guy (from a loaded family no less) from another school taking you to the prom who's probably going to be your boyfriend officially soon. I didn't ever have a date to the prom nor a good boyfriend till college. And my guy friends all want to date you when they meet you. Till they find out your age of course. You make awesome grades. You have more friends then me. Now who's the prettier more successful one? Grandma is over 80. For all you know she could have been talking about one of our other dozen plus cousins cousins who are sisters. We are Italian, we have a crazy big family, and we're all pretty damn attractive. ;-) I love you, you're the best sister ever. -Gina P.S. If you aren't my sister I'm sure you have some crazy awesome qualities as well. I haven't met a Leah who doesn't. Keep you're chin up, and don't let someone who's old and probably bitter at life keep you from realizing the amazing self worth you have. You can always write her back and say "Hey Grandma, I'm sorry you don't know what a bad ass person I am. -Leah" :)

What kind of grandma is that? I'd confront her about it :].

Ouch sucks. Don't go to her funeral. Agree with # 8

paleknight47 0