That's you that is

By K.H - 26/10/2009 16:42 - Sweden

Today, I was reading in my bed, and my cat was lying on my chest. I noticed something white on my cat's leg. I'm far-sighted and wasn't wearing my glasses, so I didn't see what it was. I touched it and put on my glasses. Turns out it was a worm hanging out of my cat's anus. It started wiggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 377
You deserved it 6 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh yeah FYL.. more like **** your cats life.

Oh god... that's disgusting!! FML for sure. Hope your cat's okay


who gives a shytt what he can read. the main idea surrounds the worm not his vision. sheeze.

Take a sample to your vet, and for $7.50 they'll give you one pill for kitty and the worms will be gone.

Rachalynia 0

Note: I'm a vet tech. tapeworms are the little white worms that crawl out of the animal's anus. storebought dewormers won't kill tapeworms. they come from the cat eating mice or fleas. you can deworm your cat regularly and they can still get tapes. also if the cat has tapes it probably has fleas. a few drontal/droncit tabs from your vet and some frontline should do it.

How could you read your book if you're farsighted and didn't have on your glasses? Fail.

Oh my god it's been explained like a million times on this page already, don't ask stupid questions!!! Also who gives a shit if theres like a tiny error in the story, don't get caught up in that onee thing! Bah humbug.

Ugh, I had this happen with a stray I took in and I was totally disgusted. I couldn't let her near me until they were gone because it grossed me out! Only reason I knew what it was is because I had already taken her to the vet for shots and bloodwork and she had warned me that it was possible since she had been outside. I ended up having to get rid of her because my roommate was allergic, but I got her into a no kill shelter :) If no one adopts them, they all live there together :)

icedrake523 2

FYL? You're not the one with a worm in your rear-end.

Maybe you don't feed him enough, so he was testing out a new fishing technique. He's going to catch his own food from now on.

worms are bad for your cat, you should have grabbed it and pulled it out right then and there. cat's love being de-wormed.

somecreepygirl 0

Ooh wow thats gross!! FYL!! O_o