That worked out rather well

By Anonymous - 27/07/2016 10:36 - Ukraine - Poltava

Today, I confessed to my boyfriend that I have no sex drive, but faked it to avoid hurting his feelings. It was after he confessed he is not attracted to women, but forced himself to have sex with me because he didn't want to admit he is gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 215
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whelp, looks like both of you not being honest led to something neither of you wanted.

This is why honesty is always the best policy


I'm feeling like you guys must've loved each other a lot to put yourselves through that, so even if it's not a romantic one I could see you guys being very good friends in the future. After the awkwardness, of course lol.

You could also be demi and haven't found a connection yet!

Your lack of sex drive could be an innate lack of desire or something wrong with you. Take yourself to a doctor to find out. Given where you live, your boyfriend (or maybe former boyfriend) is in a pickle. At least you found out before you had kids together.

Having no sex drive or feeling no sexual attraction doesn't mean there's "something wrong" with you. Asexuality is a real and valid sexual identity.

askullnamedbilly 33

It's completely valid to identify yourself as ace, but going to the doctor to rule out a physical reason for your low or non-existent libido is still not a bad idea. There are several conditions that can cause people to lack a sex drive amongst other symptoms, and some of them can be pretty serious and need treatment. As soon as that's ruled out though, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to sleep with people.

She could be asexual or minimally sexual or she could have hormonal or other issues that interfere with her sex drive. By visiting a doctor she could see which one it is. I didn't say there's anything wrong with being ace, just that she should ensure it's not that.

If she's happy, and it doesn't trouble her, why does she have to have a sex drive at all? No matter what might be causing the lack of libido, if she's fine with not having sex, it isn't a problem that needs to be fixed. It's only a problem when people lack libido who want to have sex and miss having sex. The way OP described the situation though, it seems like she didn't enjoy sex, she just pretended to please her BF. If she's OK without sex, she shouldn't be told she needs to "fix it".

That was wild from the beginning until the end!

Talis99 26

This is why you should be an adult and be honest.

Sounds like you guys were meant for eachother. A closeted homosexual and a woman with no sex drive #powercouple2016

Man, that's some sitcom-level shit right there.

deathstroke990 22

there's a difference between sexual attraction and sex drive buddy

An addiction to the chronicles of you cant make this shit up