The cost of living crisis

By Noname - 12/03/2009 00:09 - United States

Today, I was studying for a final when I noticed that all I had was a blue highlighter. I decided to drive to the store to get a yellow one. On the way there, I got $200 worth of traffic tickets for not stopping at a stop sign. I basically spent $200 because I prefer yellow highlighters over blue ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 512
You deserved it 110 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

af_fml 0

That is a ****** up idea of causality. You got a ticket because you failed to obey the law, the highlighters had nothing to do with it.

You probably should have obeyed Traffic laws than worry about petty things. You could have hurt someone.


You probably should have obeyed Traffic laws than worry about petty things. You could have hurt someone.

sounds like procrastination to me! nice work

pwincessa23 1

ydi cuz blue us WAY better. ha

lmfao!!! ya blue is WAY better!!! blue zebra refrigerator!!!! #93 you are now my favorite

alliewillie 22

You didn't get $200 in traffic tickets because you prefer yellow highlighters. You got the ticket because you stupidly ran a stop sign and could have hurt someone.

silversar59 0

you must be from california.

alex_vik 0

Maybe you should stop at stop signs? It's not like you needed the highlighters to save a life or something.

You actually paid 200 dollars for blatantly breaking the law. It had nothing to do with highlighters.

Today, I went to to read about other people's screwed up lives only to find that half of the stories were fake and the other half people doing highly stupid things trying to get sympathy from internet strangers. FML

Next time, just use the damn blue highlighter! The words will still show. You are not gonna die from lack of yellow highlighter.

In Jersey I got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign and it was only $80 so that sucks, but still, just use the blue highlighter.

amandarocks04 0

If you prefer yellow highlighters over blue, then why wouldn't you keep a yellow one at your house, and why would you even have a blue one in the first place. It's not the highlighters fault you ran a stop sign. It's yours. You running the stop sign has nothing to do with the highlights. That's just you being a careless drive.

Today, my roommate was playing 80's music, which pisses me off. So I killed him. Now I'm going up against murder charges. So, basically, I'm going to jail because I don't like 80's music. FML moron.

@10...lmao! thaats AWESOME. LOL. these externalizing people never get old. lol

xXxEmotionalxXx 0

Nice one, killface. OP, you deserve it because you're an idiot.