The long goodbye

By fml9124 - 14/11/2020 11:02

Today, my 79-year-old mom who has Alzheimer's fondly remembered all the wild sex she had with me back in the 1960s. I wasn't born then. She thinks I'm my dad, who died 15 years ago. In all of our conversations now, she talks to me as if she is talking to her husband and some of the talks turn racy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 529
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kimdaa 13

As embarrassing as those conversations are, you can take some positives from it: she remembers your father fondly and she still has her sense of humor.

Get some noise-canceling headphones and blast some ASMR. A Brain Bleach series might help. If you're not into tech, fill your ears with wax like Ulysses. The Odyssey is old school!


kimdaa 13

As embarrassing as those conversations are, you can take some positives from it: she remembers your father fondly and she still has her sense of humor.

Get some noise-canceling headphones and blast some ASMR. A Brain Bleach series might help. If you're not into tech, fill your ears with wax like Ulysses. The Odyssey is old school!

"Do you remember that time we had sex in Olive Garden?" said mom, in the middle of the Olive Garden I work at.

currently on smoke break between tables at olive garden and now I need to scrub my mind before going back in

coius 23

Remembering anything should be rejoiced. Also, you are an adult. Pretty sure you are aware your mother had sex. You should be grown up enough to know how you were produced. Here’s the thing, when your mother is gone, you will remember this and smile because she seemed lively in the middle of all this. Treat each day as if it was her last, and rejoice when she can remember things. Helping her remember things, no matter how bizarre helps keep the disease from cutting those connections. The more she remembers, the less decline she’ll have quickly. Stimulating the mind is the only way to slow the progress.

Suaria 38

While this is somewhat true, it's generally the short term memories that go first and long term memories go last