The Manosphere is like the Metaverse for morons

By get the fuck out! - 04/07/2023 22:00

Today, I overheard my husband’s disgusting misogynist brother saying that I shouldn’t be allowed to discipline my son, because “it’ll turn him into one of those pussy ass soyboy simps that listens to bitches.” My husband didn’t even back me when I told the douche to leave our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 948
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your husband should go join his brother. What has your son been exposed to when you weren’t there, while your husband sat by like a sack of potatoes? Worse, what if he agrees in private?

I hope you left him before he and his brother infected your son with their toxic masculinity.


Your husband should go join his brother. What has your son been exposed to when you weren’t there, while your husband sat by like a sack of potatoes? Worse, what if he agrees in private?

Then, let your husband be the bad cop. If you do it, your son will likely have to pay dominatrices to get sexually aroused.

I hope you left him before he and his brother infected your son with their toxic masculinity.