The odds

By Anonymous - 09/06/2019 16:11

Today, my sister and I were sick of living with each other, so we'd decided to go on separate holidays. I get to my hotel, then an hour later she rocks up to the very same hotel to check in. She'd booked her holiday using a magazine she'd stolen from my room, and ended up in the exact same place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 101
You deserved it 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you're at the same hotel doesn't mean you have to spend time with each other. Just go do your own thing, and if living with your sister bothers you that much, maybe talk about other living arangements when you get home.


Just because you're at the same hotel doesn't mean you have to spend time with each other. Just go do your own thing, and if living with your sister bothers you that much, maybe talk about other living arangements when you get home.