The serpentine movement of life

By mountainmetal983 - 05/03/2020 18:00

Today, the serpentine belt broke on my truck a mile away from work, 30 minutes before I needed to be there. This caused me to be 45 minutes late. I got written up for being late. The tow truck then took my truck to the wrong mechanic shop. Now I have to pay another tow truck bill to get it to the right shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 633
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, the towing company has to pay for another tow truck to get your truck to the right mechanic. This was their fault and they should pay for it.

He probably had to wait for the tow truck.


Michael Sawyer 11

YDI! you were only 20 minute walk from work when your truck broke down. no one's fault but your own.

You don't have one of those cellular telephones all the young uns have these days? I don't mean to brighten your day, but a broken timing belt can cause a lot of damage to your engine. Your repair bill will probably be another FML!

drenalin 7

Said serpentine belt but yes jumped time equals damaged head

drenalin 7

Should have kept driving the last mile to work lol. Unless engine killed when it broke then FYL. But a motor will run without a belt until the battery dies or engine overheats

fuckthisname 3

have fun turning without a belt.

No, the towing company has to pay for another tow truck to get your truck to the right mechanic. This was their fault and they should pay for it.

Why’d it take you 75min to walk a mile?

fuckthisname 3

it's your fault for not knowing how to replace a serpentine belt.