This ain't working out

By just a reaction - 17/08/2020 23:09

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a heated argument. He raised his hand like he was going to hit me. Having been hit by my ex before, I panicked and instinctively kicked his legs out from under him. He then dumped me because he said he was just gonna scare me, but I used real violence on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 007
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he knew what you went through and still did this, he deserved it and more.

He should have not tried to scare you with violence on the first place though.


So, he threatened you and made you fear for your safety. Then dumped you when you responded accordingly. Sounds like the trash took itself out on this one.

**** that guy, no one should EVER raise their hand at you, you gave him exactly what he deserved....should have kicked him in the teeth to boot though GOOD FOR YOU