Thunderbolt of lightning, very very frightening

By worst boss ever - 06/02/2022 10:01

Today, one of my employees called in because he “got struck by lightning.” I told him that’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard, and he’d better get his ass to work. Turns out he really did get struck by lightning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 1 621

Same thing different taste

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The correct answer to something like this is to 1. Be sympathetic, ask if they’re okay, where it happened, etc. 2. If something seems fishy, ask them how long they might be out, and ask for a note from the doctor as soon as possible. Check up and verify that note and fire their asses only if/when you know they lied.


The correct answer to something like this is to 1. Be sympathetic, ask if they’re okay, where it happened, etc. 2. If something seems fishy, ask them how long they might be out, and ask for a note from the doctor as soon as possible. Check up and verify that note and fire their asses only if/when you know they lied.

Hope you didn’t actually tell him to get his ass to work. That is not a proper way to talk to an employee.

diraven 15

At least he can't use the same excuse twice

Jeez... I'd hate to think how you'd react if an employee died... "We wish we didn't have to do this over the phone, but Richie died last night..." "Very funny. You tell that little ****** to be in by 9 or he can forget his annual bonus and the two weeks to Hawaii he won in our sales competition."