By belladonna1025 - 11/05/2016 18:49 - United States - Mesa

Today, a customer came up to me with a can of ground black pepper and asked me what the ingredients were. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 305
You deserved it 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel your pain, OP. I've had customers ask me how many pieces were in an 8 piece bucket of fried chicken. Customer service makes one realize how many idiots there are in the world.

Some pepper has other stuff in it, such as an anti-caking agent. Also you would be suprised to know how many people think there is more to pepper than there really is.


Can he not read the ingredients label on the can?

I have only ever seen one brand of pepper that had the ingredients, most salt and pepper its omitted because there isn't anything besides the main ingredient.

Some pepper has other stuff in it, such as an anti-caking agent. Also you would be suprised to know how many people think there is more to pepper than there really is.

I feel your pain, OP. I've had customers ask me how many pieces were in an 8 piece bucket of fried chicken. Customer service makes one realize how many idiots there are in the world.

It's more like FHL because they are that stupid that they don't know

kyu_Q 19

OP: "umm pepper and the can its in. Have a nice day."

You should have told him that you didn't know.

You should say that it contains the ashes of annoying customers

I would have told them salt and walked away.