By IHateBeingAStudent - 12/02/2012 09:43

Today, a little girl I give horse-riding lessons to told me she had saved up $8.00 for her own pony. I laughed and thought how cute she was, then realized that was more than I have in my own savings account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 282
You deserved it 12 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Don't you make money through lessons?

Considering her user name is iHateBeingaStudent, I would assume that's her part time job while she's in college. College seems to get really expensive so I believe she doesn't have any money left because of that.


tia_waring 10

Where do you live, I'm looking for a horse riding place that isn't to expensive as I'm 14 and don't have that much money, please get bk to me if you can!