By bluevix - 11/10/2014 01:25 - United States - Stafford

Today, a nurse asked my relationship status. I answered, "Married". She then asked if there was any possibility of me being pregnant. I hardly contained my snort, before responding, "No, you have to have sex for that." I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that it's true or her laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 870
You deserved it 6 549

bluevix tells us more.

Thank you, we're working on it together. It isn't an easy process as it is difficult not to take his disinterest personal, and I have taken it personal (especially early on)... but when you are compatible with your spouse in as many ways as we are. Whilst I may enjoy the idea of sexual intimacy more than him, at least I have someone who loves me as much as I do them. We have plenty of activities we enjoy, but he is more of the asexual type that enjoys a good cuddle versus sex. Which I have learned to enjoy more as we continue on in our marriage.

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I'm single and disgusted with people, so no sex besides the self kind for quite some time. I've been asked that same question a stupid amount of times lately by healthcare personnel, and I usually joke "No, not unless it involves a pool or a toilet seat."

Weren't you making a bit of a joke? Shouldn't she laugh? I'm thinking it would've been more awkward if you'd said, "you have to have sex for that" and she was just serious and silent.

Haha, yes, that would've been awkward :)

graphicstyle7 17

Ok, this will be hard to hear, but, been there, done that. Married for 14 years, no sex for the last SEVEN of those years. No kids, because, as you said, without sex, it's pretty damn hard to have kids. Now I'm 53. I will NEVER become pregnant. It's too late (and you people who are going to pipe up about someone you knew who had kids late in life, the odds of having a child past age 50 are literally millions to one. Also, in many states it's illegal to harvest eggs and have them impregnated past age 43. So, again, TOO LATE TO HAVE MY OWN BLOOD KIN KIDS). It' s too late and I WASTED that part of my life on someone who did not have the same sex drive I did. I strongly recommend you read the DAN SAVAGE sex advice column. He often talks about asexual people married to normal sex drive people... and how that rarely works out. My 1st husband and I split up after 14 years. Know what I did then? Dated! Had fun! Had GREAT sex! Met a great guy who liked sex as much as I did! We're together four years now, could not be happier. Also, I have some STEP-KIDS who I enjoy parenting and love very much. Keep in mind, I'm middle aged, short, and fat. If I can do it. you can too. Go for something better in life while you still have time.

Savage is an acephobic asshole who shouldn't be given the time of day.

1. Either this is because you never bother to initiate and expect him to make the first move everytime, indicating to him that you do not want sex; or 2. Your husband is gay; and 3. In any case, this is why you do not get married.

You aren't alone. 1st husband - great sex drive, horrible person. Length of marriage: 18 months. 2nd husband - horrible sex drive, seemed like a decent person, turned out to be a horrible person. Length of marriage: 9.6 years. 3rd husband - non-existent sex drive, pretty decent person most of the time. Length of Marriage: 10 years, this month. It's been almost 2 years of celibacy. I've already had all the kids I want, so that part of it doesn't bother me. But I MISS SEX. I swear, anything happens to this husband (he has heart issues), I'm not remarrying. Ever. I'll just find 2 or 3 lovers and ring 'em for a booty call as the mood strikes. That way, if one isn't in the mood, one of the others probably will be.

Sometimes it's hard, #84. Some people have gone through a bad experience and don't want to talk about it, so their love interest doesn't know why they shy away from sex so much. Perhaps it is simply that they lack interest all together or they're shy about it, possibly due to how they grew up. Sometimes with being shy, simply turning the lights off and being in the dark can help.