By Zuzubat - 05/09/2013 23:29 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, a soon-to-be-ex co-worker flew into a rage when she saw she wasn't on the schedule for next week. The boss told her it's because she quit. She reminded the boss she wants to keep working part-time. My new job is inventing tasks for her to do to keep her calm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 256
You deserved it 2 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have her write out all of the digits of pi. That will keep her busy forever.

JennyK1414 13

Hey.. That could actually be pretty fun.. Coffee runs and foot rubs coming your way!


Eventually she'll probably leave just will take some time or your boss will find something for them...

Why not just have her do stuff you have to do? You get help and she stays calm, seems like a win win if you ask me.

Maybe your boss should grow a pair and tell her to leave. Unless of course he's going to "invent" the money to pay her with. You have your own job OP, make the boss deal with it.

Pandamonia88 9

I don't see why this is an F-Your-L?

Nederlander95 14
rita91 5

Get a security guard to escort her out and never let her back

love_mom2 6

I say she'll have to get my coffee & bagel every morning

Send her to the store for some headlight fluid!