By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 20:12 - Canada

Today, after practicing a song for my girlfriend on guitar all day, I called her over to my house to show it to her. After a long speech about how "this is for you," I played for about 3 seconds before I broke a string, which slapped her in her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 271
You deserved it 6 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How close was your girlfriend to your guitar? Was she making out with it? I don't see how a string would have hit her unless she was right next to it.

My string just broke on Monday. Oh wait...its wednesday...Maybe I should buy new strings. By the way I know how you feel about this. Its tough being a sexy musician.


HOW THE HELL IS THIS A YDI?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And the shit hit the fan :)

That's so sweet of you to write her a song, I'm sure she'll forgive you, especially as it wasn't your fault it broke.

Koalafrau_fml 0

ahahahaha hope that doesn't happen to me when my bf will be playing a song for me lol *knock on wood*

ilovenathan 0

Oh my gosh!!! Guitar strings snapping can do a lot of damage!! Did it cut her or bruise her??? Dang. That had to HURT!!!!