By Anonymous - 13/03/2015 15:02 - United States

Today, after several months of eating right, exercising, and weight loss, my mother has yet again arrived at my house, unannounced and with a very sugary cake. She's been doing this most weeks since I lost 50 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 673
You deserved it 2 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesn't sound like your mom's being very sweet

Maybe she's saying that you need to sweeten up? Don't give her such a frosted response- appreciate her kindness, even if it's Devil's Food!


TomeDr 24

Congrats on the weight loss! For the record, cakes freezes well. Cut it in slices, wrap each slice well and freeze. One piece of cake once in a while won't kill your diet the way an entire cake will. OR take it to work with you. Your coworkers will love it.

Maybe try making a cake with her. Show her how to substitute applesauce instead of all that sugar! Hopefully, you can help her tweak some recipes so she can be healthier with you! :) Good luck op! Congrats on reaching those healthy goals!

dirtbikechica69 5

wow.. what a "b" word!! id tell her to get the hell out!!

You can say "hell" but not "bitch"? Alrighty, then.

dude I lost fifty pounds as of janauary and since then I have eaten a solid 3 cakes at least cudos to you i am a failure

chef4money 12

Depending on how much you weighed before the weight loss and the amount of weight you have lost, she may just be worried that you are too thin. Moms are always worried about their children.

Parvati48 15

Sounds like she's jealous you lost so much weight. Don't worry about it OP and keep up the good work. :)

Won't hurt you to have a slice. As long as you don't over do it.

Aaaaannnnndddd in to the trash can it goes. That stinks that your own mother wont support you in your weight loss journey. To be honest if that was my mom she would lose coming into my house privileges. I would meet her in neutral territory.

hannakin 16

Wow that's a lot of weight to lose. You have some great will power. That sucks but best of luck on your journey. :)