By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 20:49 - Germany - Stuttgart

Today, after taking my crush to the train station late at night, I sat in a local park alone with my thoughts for a while. Two cops appeared out of nowhere and started searching me for drugs and weapons, asking me questions for a good 30 minutes. Not the kind of action I expected tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 304
You deserved it 2 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shame on you for having a valid reason to be out at night.


So... because OP was hoping to have sex (which is a pretty normal thing to hope for), he deserves to get interrogated by the police for no reason? There's nothing wrong with wanting sex, as long as you don't force that desire onto someone who doesn't want it. And there's nothing in the fml to suggest that OP did that.

Well they obviously let you off unless you actually had something

"The saint laughed at Zarathustra, and spake thus: 'Then see to it that they accept thy treasures! They are distrustful of anchorites, and do not believe that we come with gifts. The fall of our footsteps ringeth too hollow through their streets. And just as at night, when they are in bed and hear a man abroad long before sunrise, so they ask themselves concerning us: Where goeth the thief? (...)"

All cops have a quota they have to meet , meaning they have to write so many tickets or otherwise. I'm sure we all have noticed during certain times of the month they are out in full force just to fill the quota. That's when they start looking for any little thing they can pop someone for.

izntdan 14

Incorrect sir. I am a cop and it's illegal for the department to even mention that you have to to write tickets

I know here most of are parks are public property and close at sunset. Trespassing could lead to a day in jail. Also, when you are on park grounds you give them full right to search you are your vehicle if it is within park property. I am saying ydi for parking in a dark, sketch place alone. Did the cops go to far, in my opinion, no.

izntdan 14

Yeah especially if they asked to search him. And they might have only patted him down for weapons, a lot of people confuse that for a search. And since when is talking to someone and asking what they are up to late a night a bad thing, cops are suppose to talk to people who are doing things out of the ordinary

Just saying they aren't aloud to do that...

kitty809 11

Next time have your look out use a code word.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

Cops do NOT have the right to search you or you're vehicle without probable cause or a warrant ...if you were just sitting in a park then you did not provide them probable cause and even though most public parks do close after certain times unless you're town is enforcing a curfew for a specific reason cops won't bother you for just being in a public park. I go down to mine all the time and just walk through it at like 3AM when I can't sleep and even though the area is policed late at night I've never been bothered by the cops even though technically the park closes at 10:30 PM and doesn't open back up until 5:30 AM. I have seen the police come into the park to take a drunk fresh from the bar and sleeping it off on a park bench from the park to the drunk tank for the night but that's about it. Over the years I have found this to be true for most places....if you're not causing trouble the police won't bother you for being in a public park no mater how late it is. That being said if you're not causing any trouble then just cooperate with the police.

I can actually confirm the exact opposite. Most countries I've been to, especially European countries, have laws allowing police officers to investigate, search and question suspect behaviour.