By rahavan - 08/11/2012 01:38 - United States - Tacoma

Today, after the fourth time telling my roommate I'm highly allergic to her scented products, I came back to find all 6 of our wall outlets using Glade plug-ins. They were set to high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 099
You deserved it 2 214

rahavan tells us more.

Um no, I passed out and wrote this after I was forced to go to the hospital by my floors RA.

Top comments

You see, we never really know what goes on behind thee scenes of FML's like these. Perhaps OP deserved this based upon previous interactions with said roommate? Perhaps her roommate is simply an ass? We may never know.

Never tell a girl your greatest weakness.


riseagainstbabyy 4

You see, we never really know what goes on behind thee scenes of FML's like these. Perhaps OP deserved this based upon previous interactions with said roommate? Perhaps her roommate is simply an ass? We may never know.

riseagainstbabyy 4

True. That's pretty cruel though. I'm allergic to body spray (like Axe) and people "test" it all day where I work. It's torture for sure.

I was going to say this exactly, in my experience, this kind of action is rarely out of pure spite alone. It's fairly passive aggressive, though!

You're right. Without a back story, the roommate comes off as an uber bitch. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't see why someone would be so cruel knowing what the outcome would be.

Regardless of what OP did in the past, messing with someone's health should never be "right". I have the same allergy, and if I'm around scented products too much (even though I take meds for it), my lungs get so irritated that I'm highly susceptible to any virus passing by. I hope for OP's sake that this is not the case with her...

13 she kept changing the brands that she was using, she didn't think I was allergic too all of those things. It resolved now, thank God.

Response from the OP, THAT'S AMAZING. Good to hear OP.

tjv3 10

Me thinks your roommate is passive aggressive

64 you know what is more amazing? I moderated my own FML. So kids, that's how you make front page. ;)

Never tell a girl your greatest weakness.

That's a good life lesson right there! If I was OP I would unplug them all. And throw them out far away. Let the roommate keep wasting their money until they get the idea.

OP should pretend to have a major allergy and fake a bad reaction (ie. choking, spitting, coughing, collapse and fake a seizure) to unnerve the roommate. Ask her to get them water and open windows (while gasping);then after a few minutes of "agony", threaten to charge her for assault with a noxious substance and possibly attempted murder. The roommate should be so freaked out and scared she will ditch all those scented products and OP can live a scent-free life in their own home. Or you could just move out. Plan B is never as much fun though. Revenge is much sweeter too IMO.

I was going for more like a C-U-Next-Tuesday! I think if I just write the word most people will attack me, unless if they are British.

AnyaS 19

I think your roommate is trying to drive you out. :/ You'd be better off without her anyway.

Living alone is always best. It really is. Roommates can be a coin toss. 50/50 chance they will be horrible.

*Living alone is best when you can afford a whole place by yourself.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

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xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Lol, I mixed up. The FML doesn't show if OP is a male or female.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

12 - It doesn't matter what OP's gender is. The roommate it still female, regardless.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Yikes, your roommate must hate you. Kick them out if it happens again, or threaten to.

b_rad_fml 4

"if it happens AGAIN?" You don't think four times isn't enough cause already to change roommates? If they aren't in an assigned dorm and OP has any power or control in the lease she should be changing locks and throwing all Glade girl's shit to the curb! Today!

jjtothemax17 6

Someone is trying to get their own room...don't let her push you out!

Plug them all in in her room. Problem solved.

Unless you both literally share a room in which case you should throw them all away!