By hahanosirr - 21/05/2011 20:02 - United States

Today, after three unsuccessful months of trying to make me orgasm, my boyfriend finally succeeded. It came from his car bumping up and down while we drove down a pot-holed road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 075
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jvillan87 5

Back of a pickup while someone else drives next time then?

Why do I picture you paying someone to drive you down that road every night from now on?


jvillan87 5

Back of a pickup while someone else drives next time then?

nerdpower_fml 1

Your profile pic scares the bejesus out of me.

Your picture is amazing 1! You should go to one of those zombie walks.

jvillan87 5

Why thank you smoking monkey. I keep him in the basement.

your profile pic is going to be in my nightmares.

futtbuck101 1

I'll drive my limo into your pothole

jvillan87 5
jvillan87 5

81, ikr, that was immature and I laughed at ur stupid comment! ><

jvillan87 5

Laughed at which comment 83? You damn kids and your hip young lingo...IKR?

jvillan87 5

Laughed at which comment 83? You damn kids and your hip young lingo...IKR?

jvillan87 5

Thanks 100. Much obliged.

jvillan87 5

Thanks 100. Much obliged.

You are on a double-posting spree!

jvillan87 5's a bit ridiculous...

jvillan87 5's a bit ridiculous...

Dude nice zombie... But your eyes look human, they need to be black and void of a soul. Anyway this FML is messed up, I reckon she should have jumped on his gear stick as he drove.... not a literal gear stick I meant his Johnson

adrianblackett 0

WTF ... who doesnt kno what ikr is... lmao

jvillan87 5

This will most likely post twice so bear with me here...I didn't know what IKR means because my life doesn't revolve around Internet slang. So you can take your OMG's, LOL's, FTW's, BFF's, and IKR's and shove them up your ass.

jvillan87 5

116- Thanks for the compliment. I couldn't find a decent pair of black out contacts, so I went with red. I guess it's more of an "infected" look rather than soulless zombie.

120 I didn't know until right now, you think I would concidering I'm only 17 but like zombie man said, not everyone automatically knows the meaning of all these ridiculous word shortenings

4thizzle20 0

agreed. I didn't know until now either and I'm 17 as well so I think you(120) should get the hell off the computer once in a while

Redneck42 0

just like your dads condom

pablo132 3

haha that was ****** funny

RawrNom 0

how the hell is orgasming a fail?! your sex life must suck!

Wow!.... Sounds like ol boy isn't putting out, lol.

jvillan87 5

Back of a pickup while someone else drives next time then?

jvillan87 5

what the hell? i didn't post this twice.

jvillan87 5

what the hell? i didn't post this twice.

btnhdude 0

Agahah that's some funny shit

sourgirl101 28

It's funny how your first post is getting thumbs up while this one is the opposite.(:

imacreeper 3
iloveboyswittats 10

Sounds like you need to tell him what you like. He can't read your mind.

sassypants93 17

Now you know where you should drive more often!

agaba 0

i have that same telescope

rockyraccoon28 8

you know who else has that same telescope? MY MOM!

sassypants93 17

haha it wasn't mine. I was on Isle Royale :)

Why do I picture you paying someone to drive you down that road every night from now on?

sourgirl101 28

Time to sit on the rinse cycle next. Washing clothes will have new meaning.

sxe_beast 11

Not if you own a fancy environmentally friendly front load washing machine. Our washing machines have a "Perfect Balance" mechanism that prevents them from vibrating. They're super quiet and barely move. Sitting on top of them would provide no more pleasure than sitting on the ground :/

I feel as if I just read a short advertisement.

sourgirl101 28

Awe I'm sorry.): but now you have me glad that I never upgraded my antique! lol

enonymous 8

**** the environment I need something that will get me off without me needing to buy it a dinner and a ruffiecolada.

hisgirlherboy 5

you killed it so hard it died to death

traze 7

You need a new man or go on more rides down this road. If ask why tell him...**** you that's why.

Now ride him like you ride his car instead of how you ride a bull. Maybe that'll help.