By regstl - 01/06/2013 06:21 - United States - Beaverton

Today, as I was getting out of my car, an old and obese lady walked up to me and called me an "inconsiderate heartless bitch" for using the last handicap parking spot. I guess she didn't see my wheelchair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 199
You deserved it 3 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fat people thinking they have a disability smh

Her handicap is obviously being a clueless twat.


She probably couldn't see past her massive gut.

thejimler 9

Fatties have no place in the disabled parking spot, it is not a disability that you get so fat that movement is a chore, it is gluttony and laziness! I have nothing against naturally large people who eat moderately and exercise and stay that shape, but acting like like an entitled **** because you scarfed down enough greasy food to turn yourself into a sphere does not earn you any pity in my eyes. Put them on a giant hamster wheel and slap them with whipping branches (the most painful areas are the fatty areas) in order to generate electricity.

Easy Tiger!!! We must not assume that every large person is overweight just because they love Maccas.. Do you personally know the story of everyone with a disabled permit? Do you think its fair to pass judgement without knowing the full story? I know two people who have disabled parking permits. Both as a result of car accidents. The first appears able bodied, however cant walk more than a few hundred metres at a time. He was in a coma for 3 months after a bike accident. The second one is obese, and she was that way before hers. Afew years ago she was in an accident breaking both legs. Her knees dislocate when she walks sometimes. Im not saying what this lady in OPs situation was right. But i know 100% you sure as hell arent!

I got a permanent disability permit/license plate, because I am also the kind that only walk so far before having to stop because of an impairment with my right leg. I look able bodied, but the trauma I had received was to the part of my brain that controls my right leg and I have a very bad noticeable limp and need a cane, since it did take me about 2 years to walk right again without a wheelchair or walker. I get glares and evil looks for overweight people and old people all the time. if they only knew that trauma I had gone through nearly 12 years ago because of a drunk driver. And op, I hope that idiots like this stop misjudging you. And to number #23, thanks for mentioning and supporting your friends :)

If she hasn't seen her feet in years, what makes you think she saw your wheelchair?

Ok I don't agree with the woman yelling at her, but you are just RUDE! As is anyone who likes your comment

#68 You reap what you sow. I upvoted his comment.

Yeah, unfortunately that's just part of being in a wheelchair. I've been paralyzed for about 8 years and some people are just ridiculously inconsiderate. try to focus on the people who go out of their way to be polite and considerate rather than idiots like this woman.

awnedr 8

I feel your pain op. I'm a quadriplegic and old people love to take the van only spaces designed for vans with ramps. If i have to I'll just take up 6 normal parking spaces.

Got to love riding around town and seeing one fat lady in a hoverround wheelchair tied to and pulling one in a push wheelchair.

ZombieInConverse 13

I hate that. I get it all the time. I have a rare "invisible disease" that is extremely painful called ehlers danlos syndrom. Hellllooo, I have a handicap sticker for a reason. Sometimes even my service dog doesnt complete the picture for them.

flyersfan345 5

I have EDS and OI. I have arthritis because of EDS but it's not extremely painful.

menoseloso 13

For the most part, being fat isn't a disability. I would've told her off.

Why would you assume this person doesn't have a disability besides being fat? You guys are ridiculous. I hope none of you ever get an illness and get judged.

menoseloso 13

She bitched someone out who uses a wheelchair. She should've been more considerate.

I once drove my grandfather's car, that had a handicap sticker on it. Since it was me and not him driving, I parked in a normal spot. Someone bitched me out, claiming that I should have parked in the handicap to leave the rest for others. :P

lol Wtf? They have no business askin why a handicapped vehichle is in a handicapped or non-handicapped parking space. what asshats.

Oh.. We should be more careful and we need carefully thinking before we judge someone or something.