By muaythaiboss - 22/05/2016 17:45 - United States - Alexandria

Today, as I was instructing our new third grade students about how our martial arts classes are safer than people think, someone broke their leg right in front of their innocent faces. They saw the bone sticking out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 383
You deserved it 1 072

muaythaiboss tells us more.

OP here. if anyone is wondering how he broke his leg. he basically got his leg trapped, and when he was thrown, he landed on only one leg. the doctors said it was a pretty clean fracture, so he will be back in 2 months. but needless to say we lost 6 of the 8 students.

Top comments

The braver ones may be easier to teach? Clutching at straws of optimism here

How did somebody manage to break their leg? I'm very curious to know


As a martial arts student I have to agree with OP in her statement that practicing is very safe. Although, as a competitor I've seen many matches where kids have broken bones, dislocated joints, etc.. Practicing is safe, competing, not so much.

If at least one person didn't need an icepack at my training it was a quiet night, but a lot of that was because there were too many of us in a small space. I got a concussion during nagekomi, not the fault of my partner who threw me properly but gently, but because the people next to us misjudged the space and I caught a heel to the temple before I could get up.

Best to find another job till this incident blows over

A clean fracture the bone was sticking out wtf

As someone who has been in martial arts for 7 years, I can truthfully say that it is a lot safer and most people think, as long as you have a good teacher.

"Most people think this kind of thing happens every day. But this is only the second broken leg this week!"