By sadSarah - 01/05/2014 09:59 - United States - New York

Today, as I was waiting in line to give my mom her birthday present, my dad gave her the exact same gift I'd also bought for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 287
You deserved it 4 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rachelottavia 16

Hopefully she appreciates the thought behind the gift! :)

If it's something that can run out, then it's fine. If it's something that is static, then it becomes slightly redundant. So yes it does matter


must be a popular gift. I am sure she understood. someday you will look back and laugh. plus great minds think alike :]

What do you mean "wait in line"? Is she the empress on her thrown and everyone across the land brings her gifts to appease her?

Great minds think alike! One Christmas my mother and father gave each other the same gift.

Don't worry, OP. It just means you guys know her well and know what she likes. These things happen.

softviking 12

You wait in line to give your mom a birthday present?

flynryder 7

Maybe try coordinating it next year. This is very easily avoided!!!!

You should probably communicate in family on these occasions or communicate more.

That's why you communicate what you're buying to your family.

It's the thought that counts and symmetry is not always a bad thing