By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 00:11 - Canada

Today, as I was walking towards my friends at the bus stop, a man came up to me and asked me out. This was the first time I'd be asked out in months. I accepted. When I reached my friends they looked at me then asked, "Why were you talking to that homeless guy?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 459
You deserved it 18 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, desperate much? If they look homeless, I'd be cautious just to talk to them. This is a whole new level of... awkward. Random guys you meet at bus stops that ask you on dates... Just... No.

umm, didn't he even look homeless? hahah


Why do you accept to go out with a person you just met?

BC...yay..same province......but still....homeless guy? wouldn't it be better to ask some other random guy from school or something?

BinhVo 0

u dumbass. y wud u accept a date from a random dude off the street in the 1st place???

TheFun1 0

Okay this is where u look at the guy and walk away with no answer. good luck with yur homeless bf!;)

i must say OP, you must really be stupid to accept a date from a complete stranger.

youbwould aay yes to a random person on the street?