By MikeMorin18 - 01/08/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, at work I was talking to a co-worker about what a slacker my manager was, and how all she did was stand around and talk. She was standing behind me the whole time. I now have sore nuts due to a direct hit from a broom handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 303
You deserved it 35 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raider27 7

Can't she get into trouble for hitting a co-worker?


Your manager sounds like a real ball buster to me


neonblue120 6

Another fine example of how misandry is not only tolerated but celebrated. Oh the story I don't believe, but it's the reaction. Do you thing a chick talking about how her male boss assaulted her would any sane person say she deserved it even on this website? Ok a couple of trolls but I mean real people.

I wonder how people would react if this were a male manager slapping a female employee for talking about him. Probably much more poorly. Even though a slap to the face doesn't carry the chance of internal bleeding or destroying someone's ability to reproduce. Oh internet, you're a funny place. (Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying a male manager slapping a female employee is remotely acceptable)

0opsie 6

If it was a woman getting slapped by a man it wouldn't even be on this site because it wouldn't be "funny" but shocking. But because he's a man he "had it coming" no matter what he did and it makes for a nice chuckle. -_- Double standards annoy the hell out of me.

FoxOnTheStreet 9

I don't see the point of hitting a guy in the balls unless he's putting you in serious danger. Talking crap does not mean you deserve to have your junk damaged. Like others are saying, report her for assault.

juston_p 1

That's cause for a lawsuit.

heheh, if she was sweeping, she aint a slacker

Sue for bodily harm, assault & battery, pain & suffering...then that ass hat will have to work to pay you for the injury! :)

At least you'll get a nice settlement. You dud press charges, right!?!?

ugottaluvme 0

Woah! Calm down bro, why press charges I come in peace

Johnpinkerton 4