By Username - 18/02/2011 09:33

Today, at work, my phone rang. My intern answered it and told me it was a coworker who'd just left. I picked up and said "What's up bitch? What are you going to complain about now?!" It was actually my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 018
You deserved it 44 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You kiss your mother with that mouth? Yea... I bet you do.. you dirty bugger. Anyway, friend or not thats no way to answer a phone at work. Regardless of who is on the other end of the line you could still have someone listening in on the call without you knowing.


The intern deserves your foot up his ass, your fist in his face, and a pink slip. Asshole.

sallen0046 4

If they were a thoroughly trained, knowledgeable employee, they wouldn't still be an intern. You shouldn't speak to your coworkers in that manner in any situation, but especially not while you're at work and haven't even bothered to verify that it's actually who you think it is.

#24 I was just about to write something similar of what you wrote. I hope OP got fired for doing something so stupid.

I completely agree with Doc. In my line of work, stitching someone up is a lot bigger deal than making a mistake. I'd fire the intern.

ilikeemsmall 4

Why take it out on the intern? The OP is the one that screwed up.

oh hell no !! you need to slap that intern in the damn face ! ; ). but seriously, you should have just told your boss sorry and that you thought it was another coworker that you joke around with. maybe that could have gotten you off the hook. I have to say IMO fyl, but at the same time y kinda di. Lou

stewpididiot 11

YDI for believing an intern who is prolly after your job. it could have been your mom for all you know. and, and, I'm going with Doc on this one.

YDI 100%. I'm tired of people like that at work. At my job, wanting to leave on time is being a cry-baby. If you can't stay any longer because I actually have a life outside of work, they bitch at you about it and complain about you to everyone at work

It doesn't matter who the intern said it was, you're at work. This means you act like a normal person would, and not immediately start swearing at people on the phone. YDI dumbass.

YDI but for hiring an intern that's like that. Fire the intern.

Sucker... U should have covered up by saying "rabbits eat cabbage" or Next time...try being a little more decent on the line..

ulicksam 0