By samaram - 04/06/2013 06:47 - United States

Today, during a series of violent sneezes due to a cold, I bit my tongue. My tongue is now so swollen I cannot close my mouth and am drooling profusely. I have to get ready to go to my job as a cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 982
You deserved it 3 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

here's your chhhhhaanggge *spits everywhere*

Oh, no bueno! Maybe you can pass it off as recent dental work?


wannabesinger 16

Are you sure you didn't do anything else to your tongue as well? I've bitten completely through my tongue before, and while it hurt like a bitch, I never had it swell up on me to the point where I couldn't close my mouth. I wish you a speedy recovery, and maybe instead of having to call in, your boss may decide to send you home. Yes, it would make for a wasteful trip to work, but at least your boss would see you were truthful.

You should stay home with a cold, rather than infect others by handling money with your germy hands.

No matter what if she sneezes on it or not....Money is and always will be dirty. I work in a job that handles a ton of money and when I'm done handling it, my hands are all dark gray and grubby.

peachfuzz74 8

That's what calling off is for:)

Phoebe_Buffay 14

When I was in kindergarten, I fell and bit open my tongue, to the point where it was hanging by a peice of tongue that was still attached. Tongue injuries aren't too fun, huh OP?

That must have been one hell of a sneeze

I've bitten my tounge a thousand times, I even had my tounge pierced when I was younger, never had my tounge swell up like that. Are you sure thats what happend and not some sort of allergic reaction? Scary..

If they already had a bad cold, maybe the tongue wound reacted to those germs? Or other areas in the mouth and throat were already swollen so any amount of swelling in the tongue would be adding to that? Obviously I'm not a doctor, but just an idea.

Please call in sick. If I saw someone that sick as a cashier, I would complain to the manager. You ca get customers sick.

Someone as bad off as the OP I would definitely report them to the manager...