By heartbroken - 09/09/2013 07:19 - United States - Cupertino

Today, even after loving him unconditionally, my originally 340 pound morbidly obese husband, who within the past two years lost almost 200 pounds, left me because now, he "can do so much better". FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 702
You deserved it 4 525

Same thing different taste


jdrappi 12

Thats so messed, he wont fond any1 so jokes on him

face palm, nut crack! go crazy ass stalker ex on his ass!

He will never do better than someone who loved him like that.

Was one of the pounds he lost his heart?

It's obvious that you're the one who deserves better...

rob02 19

What a piece of turd of an ex husband you had there. I am no where near the time in my life to be getting married but that still sucks