By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 12:40 - Australia

Today, I am wearing a panda suit for the promotion of the restaurant I work at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 323
You deserved it 15 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Panda Express? I love that place. It could be worse, you could be in a big hot dog, "Ask me about my wiener!"


I have a friend who would surely sleep with you for being in a panda suit.

Rawrrr14 0

I always think people in big animal suits are always weird.... but not it your case, at least your making money. But did you ever look at some person in an animal suit and wonder what they looked like? You could be huggin' an old lady.... or a perv..... or a 10 year old..... etc. Well, anyway. Have fun with it!

#40 Pretty much has it right. Good luck, man.

This is NOT an FML. There's no plotline, it's not particularly funny... the english FML is nowhere near as good as the French one, it looks like there is no filter for stories... most of them are either dumb or depressing.

lmmmr 0

Ummm Pandas are awesome. YDI for not recognizing said fact.

Nyxen 0

Wearing a panda suit makes you a saaad panda.

pandas are super cute! at least it's not a giant chicken or pig costume. you're inside the suit and no one can see it's you, have fun with it. taunt small children!

Krytikal 0
SP63_fml 0

Hey man, before I got promoted, I was basically the promoter. I would basically go to all these popular places with a massive sign on my back, and basically harass people about my company. And then, I was the one that got promoted. Shitty jobs have benefits. Stick with it.