By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 00:43 - Australia - Fairfield

Today, I arrived 10 minutes early to my orthodontist's office to get my braces off. It turns out my appointment was actually one hour earlier, and now the next available appointment is in four weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 593
You deserved it 8 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youngmessi252525 20

I would have shown up a day early

Your teeth will look beautiful no matter what!


I once had to wait a month after missing an appointment too! And it almost happened again. I understand the feeling "one more month with these things". Even if you have to wait a little longer, be excited you're getting them off!

It's not hard to mix up appointments. It happens a lot at my dentist's office (he's also my orthodontist). We had an appointment for a Wednesday during March break, and got a call on the Tuesday because that's when it was put in their computer as, even though our appointment card said Wednesday.

Geckosrock99 33

Umm... Don't doctors/dentists/etc call 24 hours to a week before to remind their clients when their appointments are?

Ydi because you should have known when your appointment was...

Sweetmia 3

Nah, this could have easily been their fault, same thing happened to me once. They gave me the wrong time, except I had to schedule another week.

I know having braces sucks, but at least you are getting them off. No matter how long it takes, it is definitely worth the wait. (:

Call every day to see if they have cancellations. Odds are you have a decent chance of finding one! Good luck! :)

zeffra13 31

I'm sorry for the mix-up but did you write it down wrong, or did they tell you the wrong time? I've had both happen.

its ok I'm at the dentist rn my appointment was at 10 its now 4 and no work has been done on me oh and they close at 4:30

Get them off ASAP and refuse to get them again if your dentist bitches to you about iy