By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 11:58 - Germany - Paderborn

Today, I asked my boyfriend to go to the airport with me, to see me off for my three-month stay abroad. He said no because the two-hour drive is "too boring". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 635
You deserved it 2 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And when you get back , and he wants sex , tell him it's too boring with him .

Perhaps the three month break will be good


if you're leaving for 3 months you'd think he'd want to say goodbye. if you're not a priority on his list maybe you should evaluate where you are in this relationship. is he willing to help with other important things? if not maybe you need to move on.

Miss_Abby12 3

Wow. Something like that happened to me. We broke up a month later....

You deserve it... 4 hour , 2 way drive for a goodbye kiss...aint no worth it!

I'm torn on this one. I myself would drive my husband to the airport to see him off and then drive myself home, but at the same time, he wouldn't expect me to or be upset if I said no because that is a long drive by yourself on the trip home. If you needed him to drive you so you had a way to get there and not leave your car at the airport it may be different, but then you would need plans to be picked up from the airport too.

what is it with people wanting to end a relationship so quick?!? what if op's boyfriend didn't have gas money to spend driving and him saying that it's "too boring" was his way out. Have any of you guys dropped off someone at the airport and see them off? I have and that shit was long and boring! plus you have to pay for parking for the time you're waiting to see them off.

curiouslilbird 19

I'm kind of torn between clicking FML and YDI, because there's a good bit of info missing--for instance, how far apart they live from each other. It may not have been feasible for them to bid each other goodbye at home. On the FML side, since the girl is leaving for 3 months abroad (possibly a study abroad program for school), it makes sense that she'd want to spend as much time with him as possible before leaving (including a car ride there), and it seems selfish of the BF to refuse her just because the drive is "too boring." Sometimes you have to compromise in a relationship or do something you don't particularly like to do just because you know the other person will appreciate it. On the YDI side, it seems selfish of the girl to expect her BF to drive all that way, especially if she doesn't really need the ride up there and just wants his company at the airport. (Now, if he's her _only_ ride to the airport and he refused because of that flimsy excuse of "being bored" during the drive, then that's a definite FML)

When he wants to talk or text say it's too much work. Or when he wants sex, say he's too boring. I would make that shut bite him in the a$$

End it. Doesn't sound like he's that invested in the relationship. You my find that he finds the 3 months abroad "too boring" to stay faithful, end it and save yourself the inevitable heartache. Maybe you'll meet a better and nicer man abroad.

God, is he ALWAYS a dick LJKE this? Not cool.